04 September, 2007

One Big Profile In Courage or rather One Profile in BIG Courage

News Story - Inmate freed after conviction in 1988 Pizza Hut murder overturned
In 1996 another man admitted committing the crime, DNA examination exonerated Mr. Ochoa , and in 2001, the Texans let him out of prison. In 2006 Christopher Ochoa graduated from law school. Best to not know what happened to Chris's buddy who also was wrongfully convicted at the time, and also later exonerated, but who has not decided to attend law school.

Responding quickly to the calls of justice, a newly elected Governor of Texas, G.W. Bush initiated an investigation/exoneration process as part of an his prison reform plan that established a special commission to revisit crimes and convictions where issues of equity had been raised. Governor Bush wished to rectify the rare occassions where poverty may have hindered a defendant’s ability to obtain adequate legal representation. Formerly involved in professional sports himself, George Bush understood that the side with the money to pay its players had a better chance of winning than a team that could not afford top quality professionals. An ardent advocate social justice, the Guv wanted the best legal teams available to any Texan who needed them - law enforcement teams, defendents, and convicts alike – in the quest for truth.
And if the best minds in Texas couldn’t do it, the Guv was not above asking folks even from blue states to help.
Project Innocence with the University of Wisconsin group helped free Mr. Ochoa.

Had the Guv had just a bit more foresight, his criminal justice reforms might have aided close buddies (Ken) and friends (Jeff, et.). Ken has a web site detailing the miscarriage of justice in his case. While I do not believe that DNA tests or costs were important factors in this case, I obviously am not an attorney.

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